Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First Things First

Have you ever felt like 24 hours in a day is just not enough time? Think about it for a minute, how many different things do you have going on in your life right now? We, as a group of people, are very busy. So what should take priority? How do you decide what comes first? I deliver bread for a living and on the days that I work, it usually is a 10 to 12 hour day. Right when I get home, feeling like the living dead, my 3 kids and my wife usual need my immediate attention. They haven't seen me for 12 hours, so there's a lot to catch up on, is this the same way for you? I have work, family, church, my writing and blogging, friends, chores, errands, and life! It truly can be overwhelming! As I've been thinking about all of this the last few days, I've tried to put it all into perspective and put first things first. You cant let the balance of your life shift to far into any one direction.
  -For me, God has to come first, next is my family. Everything else I can plan out and work out, but those other things have to fall into second place. I use to make the mistake of trying to make my family time and my time with God fit into the rest of my life.
 - For example: I would get around to reading my Bible after I did the 13 other things I had to do that day. Sometimes it would go past my bed time and guess what, no time to read the Bible today, I'll make it up tomorrow (if I have time).
 - Any kind of activity my kids had at school, like a play or concert, would only happen if I got my nap for the day or if I didn't have to deliver as much bread the next day. It took a swift kick in the face from a friend for me to realize that every morning before I do anything I need to read my bible and pray. Next, any kind of activity that my kids had, or an event that my wife wanted me to go to, I was going to go!
 - If I have to deliver less bread or if I had to start work later so I could participate in these activities, that's what I have to do. The time we have here on earth is very precious and you have to place the most important things first. Everything else will have to fit into place with those priorities, not the other way around. Who or What has first place in your life? Who or What has the priority with your time? Based on your answers to the first two questions, what changes do you need to make?

1 comment:

  1. As usual z well said for me the reading and quiet time are what gives me a balance and sense of purpose. We beat ourselves up by working to death and living off the crumbs we make, this is not living! !!!!!!
