Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Determination- easier said, then done

"I'm going to lose 20 pounds this month". "I'm going to finish that project at work". "I'm going to do that thing that I've been putting off". That drive that propels you to get all these things accomplished is determination, you probably already know this. I'd like to submit one thought to you: Determination without a plan is a recipe for failure! You may be determined to lose 20 pounds, but if you don't hit the gym or diet, you may gain weight. You may be determined to do those things you've been putting off, but if you don't have a plan, you might not even know what all of those things are. If there are things in your life right know that you are determined to get accomplished, plan them out today! Are they goal's for this week? Are they goal's for this month? Are they goal's for this year? As an every day workingman spending 40 hours of our week at work, it's hard to have determination, it's hard sometimes to even have the energy. So the plan is a very important part of the equation. Sit down today, make a list of different things you are determined to see done, plan them out giving yourself a solid timeline. And my hope is, after following this blog, that one thing you're determined for this year is to move on to work that you actual enjoy!


  1. Very true! I got started "investing" in houses without a plan. I saw others succeed and I just figured that I would end up on top. Boy was I wrong! I was investing right before the mortgage collapse and banks where GIVING away loans! So in just 2 years i had 4 houses! I was only 22! Well, needless to say it all when down like a ton of bricks and I had to claim bankruptcy this year. However, I know this is not the end. I am a lot more careful before I jump in to anything. I do my research and calculate the profit to determine if its even worth it. If its not, back to the drawing board.

  2. A plan without a goal are just thoughts that wont stay for long . Any successful person on this planets passion was the main reason for their accomplishment in life up too now. If you are not hungry for it you will not eat!!!!!!!
