1. The price: $4.99 if you get one good idea from the book, it will make you a lot more then $4.99!
Do you have $5 bucks? I’m sure if you lifted up your couch cushions you would find it (so go and lift them up, get that $5 and buy the book do it NOW!). In all seriousness, if you buy my book, read it and can take away one good idea, I’ll personally guarantee that you’ll make up that $5 bucks and make a lot more than that!
2. The motivation: at the very least it will make you think of where you’re at and what you’re doing about it!
This book is filled with real life examples of what some of you are probably going through in your lives and with your work. I read a report that one third of Americans say they hate their jobs, I believe it. The question is: why then are they still there? Why are you still there? There are a number of reasons that I list in the book but I also bash those reasons and give you motivation to stop making excuses and move on to work that you love. Some of us have woken up and feel it’s our responsibility to share with you the beautifulness of getting on the path of your true calling!
3. The length: it’s not a very long book, but who has time these days to read a long book?
This book will be a pretty quick read for you, but don’t be fooled. I know how busy life is with work, soccer practice, your friends group and everything else. So I wanted to pack a bunch of good material into a book that the busy person won’t tie up too much of their time trying to read. I know if I want to read a book and it looks too long then it’s probably going to sit for a while! So if you buy it and you have a busy life (we all do) then this won’t take a big time commitment from you!
4. The support: some of us are starting to wake up and see that we are the only ones that can change things.
Every day you see another story in the news about how bad things are. Some of us have woken up and realize that the government is not going to be able to fix anything, they can’t (and if they tell you they can they’re lying to you!). You are the only one that has the power to change your life, and if we are going to fix this mess then a lot of us need to wake up and change our lives! If we start taking care of our money, what would that do for the economy? We throw it away on garbage and then expect the government to bail us out and that’s how we pile debt on top of debt. This book is part of the “wake yourself up” movement, so buy the book and support the movement!
5. The truth: you know you need to move on but can’t face the truth!
Do you wake up every day and cringe when you think about going to work that day? I know that there can be negative situations at any job, that’s not what I’m talking about. Are you at a job that better’s your life and the lives of others? What did you want to be when you were younger? Are you proud of what you’re doing now? Look, my book is not the magical answer, but it does show what someone like you has gone through to discover the path he was supposed to be on. This book will give you a few helpful tips for you to discover your own path. Even those of my friends that read this and are Christians, there is a danger in Christianity between confusing “being thankful” with indecision and procrastination. In Dan Miller’s book (48 Days To The Work You Love) he says that as Christians we sometimes fall into “sanctified ignorance” when we say “Lord show me the path” then we just sit there and do nothing. The Lord doesn’t call us to inaction, just sitting there waiting for “the sign”. If you’re at a job that affects your family time or Church time or things you should be doing for the Lord, that’s NOT what the Lord calls us to with our work!
For all of us our work should fit into our lives, not our life into our work. If this is where you’re at then it’s time for a change. So start by buying my book, it’s not a magical answer but it will give you a few ideas to STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND MOVE TO WORK THAT FURTHERS YOUR LIFE!
Here are the links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Tales-Everyday-Workingman-Woman-ebook/dp/B005GXS35A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313352870&sr=8-1
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/80706
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/80706
Good one DUDE! The book is worth more than $4.99. That's 29 cents less than a five dollar foot long- include taxes and you'll understand;)