1. Use your down time to formulate a plan! Look most people will lose their job and the next day go and apply at 100 jobs only to find no work. I'd like to submit a few thoughts to you:
A. No one hires anyone anymore based off of applications. Look, I guess to be fair there might be one company out there, but I'm telling you, that's it. With the state of our economy today, companies are flooded with thousands of applications each day. Do you think they're going to put the pile on the desk and magically find yours? The only real way to get a job in our economy today is to network with someone you know at that company. Do you know some one who works there? It doesn't have to be someone you know well, it could be a friend of a friend, they are your key to getting hired there.
B. Since you aren't going to get hired right away, take a little (I want to stress little) time to plan out your next move. Just take a few days to figure out what's best for your future. Who knows, this might be your chance to move on to work that you actually enjoy, don't just settle for whatever job will hire you (McDonald's), you'll end up regretting it.
2. While you're taking some time to plan things out, do any odd jobs to make quick cash. You got bills to pay so you need some money in your bank account yesterday, do whatever odds jobs you can to make that happen. Can you get hired at the local pizza place as a delivery driver? That would put cash in your pocket daily. Can you cut grass in your neighborhood or another neighborhood? Look, you're smart, you get the picture, just do what it takes to make some money. I want to stress that this isn't a long term solution unless you can see a business being built out of it (like a landscaping company). You're just doing this until you can start implementing that plan.
3. Get hired in a better company or start your own business. This should be a big part of that plan you came up with. Look for companies that you know you'll be a good fit at, then apply there whether they're hiring or not. Or use this as a chance to start up that business that has always been in the back of your mind. Maybe that odd work you did for cash was your opportunity to launch this business.
Look I have so much more I want to tell you, do you want to hear about my experience losing a job?
Do you want to hear about a process to get hired at a company whether or not they're hiring?
Do you want to see how all of this plays out in real life?
If you want answers or are a fan of what I talk about in this blog, stay tuned for my book!
In a couples of days I'll be able to show you guys a sneak peak of the cover and the title of my book!
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